Baking with Kids – Valentines Cookies

Here’s something for you romantics out there, a quick and easy piped shortcake biscuit for Valentines Day.

I chose this one as I had my two helpers joining in today and it was a simple little recipe with only…..3 ingredients!  How does that work I hear you ask? Easy as pie, and the result is delicious (I have that on good authority from my two favourite helpers).

We start out with our trusty Kenwood recipe book, circa 1960 and our 3 ingredients; 4 oz Margarine/Butter, 4 oz Plain Flour and 1 oz of icing sugar.


My trusty helper number 1 put the butter into our warmed Kenwood mixer bowl and set it to speed 2 until it was pale and soft. Then helper number 2 stepped up and sifted the icing sugar and flour into the bowl (because he makes the least mess, lol).

When the mixture was combined to a soft dough we put it all into a piping bag with a large star nozzle. I took over at this stage as it needed quite a bit of power to squeeze out onto the tray and I had been working out just for this purpose, kidding.
