80s Quick, Thrifty Cooking

Come with me into the raddest era and enjoy a super easy recipe that is a great tummy filler for those busy days!

We are heading into the year 1985 and diving into a Readers Digest cookbook of Quick, Thrifty Cooking. If the cover doesn’t bring back some nostalgia then nothing will. 😁

If you want a filling snack with lots of goodness then these High fibre muffins are the one for you!

We start off with the ingredients list:

2 cups unsifted plain flour

1/3 cup sugar

1 tsp Salt

1 tsp Baking soda

1 1/2 cups quick cooking oats (the fine ones)

1 cup of Whole bran cereal/Bran or Wheat Germ (I used wheat germ as that’s what I had in the cupboard, the quicker the better)

1/2 cup Raisins or for that extra fibre boost – Prunes!

2 Eggs lightly beaten

1/2 cup Golden Syrup


The tag line for these is “These muffins are full of flavour, high in fibre, B vitamins, protein and minerals” (Perfect if you need a bit of regulating 😁).

Only two bowls to dirty and two to wash, easy as.  The oven gets popped on at 180C and I combined  all of the dry ingredients in a big bowl.  The smaller bowl gets the eggs, buttermilk and golden syrup. Remember if you don’t have buttermilk just use regular with a teaspoon of lemon juice or white vinegar stirred in and left for 5 minutes.

Pop the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients in the larger bowl and make sure that it is all slowly mixed in, sometime you need to watch out for those little pockets of flour. 😉

Spoon the batter into patty pans lined with patty cases (cupcake cases for those young ‘uns). Making sure they are about 2/3 full.

Bake then in your preheated oven, I had to do two trays as I used the smaller size, for 15-20 minutes until they are ‘Clean toothpick’ cooked through.

I urge you to give these a go as they are a great tummy filler, channel your 80s housewife and let me know what you think below. ❤️

See you back here for more retro recipies next time.  Stay rad! ❤️


2023-07-12T13:50:15+12:0012 July 2023|80s cookbook, Bakes, History, Kiwi bakes, Muffins, Readers Digest|0 Comments

Ginger Kisses

If you grew up with these you will know how gorgeous light and warming they are to eat, and you know how hard it is to restrict yourself to just one of these beauties!

Ginger kisses are a traditional kiwi treat and once you bite into that pillowy ginger goodness you won’t want to leave.

Here is the ingredients list for today’s traditional bake:

2 cups/260g plain flour

1 tsp ground cinnamon

3 heaped tsp ground ginger

1 level tsp baking soda

¾ cup/160g caster sugar

110g salted butter, softened

¼ cup/90g golden syrup

1 large egg

¼ cup buttermilk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


We start by sifting the first 4 ingredients in a bowl and set it aside to cream the next 3 ingredients in another bowl.  Once combining those you will add the rest of the ingredients to the creamed mixture.

Heres were you combine the two to make the magic happen, folding in ever so carefully because you don’t want kisses you can bounce off the floor or knock someone out with. 😄

Your oven goes onto the usual 180 C and line your trays with baking paper – I used two as they spread when they cook.

Drop tablespoonfuls of the mixture onto the sheets spaced a little apart to allow for spreading. It’s best to bake them one sheet at a time to allow for even cooking.

Once you room is filled with the gorgeous smell and they are lovely and golden (10-12 minutes) take them out and cool.

Then comes the magic!
I have chosen a buttercream to sandwich them together but if you are going to eat them all in one day feel free to fill with whipped cream.

Here are the ingredients for the buttercream;

60g salted butter

1 cup icing sugar

2 Tsp golden syrup
(feel free to add ground ginger to this if you want an extra kick)

Milk to mix

Place or pipe (if you’re feeling fancy) as much buttercream as you desire onto the base of one kiss and pop another one on top pushing gently to sandwich them together.

Try baking them for yourself and you will agree homemade is best, you also get the added bonus of filling your house with delicious smells for the day. 😊

Thanks for coming back to my blog and I hope to see you here again soon. 💕

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